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Profile Proud

Profile Proud

Pssst – have you heard about the teenagers who were either rejected by or had their acceptances and/or scholarships revoked because of something deemed inappropriate on their social media profiles? It’s happening more and more!

It’s now commonplace for employers to reject applicants – or even fire current staff members – because they didn’t like something you might have thought was perfectly innocent.

69% of hiring managers have removed a candidate from consideration because of something on social media.

If you want to avoid these pitfalls, you will hire Profile Proud to help you protect and project your good name – or that of a loved one – both online and offline.

As part of the Profile Proud Alliance, we offer packages where we:

  • Search for your name online and review the results.
  • Compare these results against what college and employer background checks commonly flag.
  • Meet with you online or face-to-face in Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina, to discuss which of those items these organizations might consider good, bad, or really, really ugly.
  • Coach you on how to: promote positive information and social media interactions which enhance your online reputation; and delete negative material or move it further down your search returns.
  • Offer further feedback in either hour-long coaching sessions or in four-item blocks.

During our meeting(s), you will be able to share your locked information for further feedback (via a screen-share if a web meeting). At no point will you be required to share your passwords.

We offer a discounted rate for those who are:

  • 23 years old or younger
  • in an associate's degree, bachelor's degree or PhD program or within six months of graduation
  • in the military or within six months of separation
In Person
Virtual Add'l
In Person Add'l
Follow-up Over 3
Months (4 items)
Standard Rate $195 $205 $98 $108 $98
Reduced Rate $155 $165 $78 $88 $78


Get even more value by scheduled a personal branding consultation with ROI Resumes. We've made the combination an even better value by offer further discounts to our joint customers:

In Person
Virtual Add'l
In Person Add'l
Follow-up Over 3
Months (4 items)
Standard Rate $176 $185 $88 $97 $88
Reduced Rate $140 $149 $70 $79 $70

If you want to protect your good name online and offline, set up your initial coaching session by following these easy steps:

  • Schedule a meeting using our online booking tool. NOTE: It must be at least seven days after you have filled out and submitted your Background Information sheet.
  • Check your email for a Paypal link to make the payment. We will send you the link within 24 hours- email if it does not arrive in that time. If someone else will be paying, you can forward this link to them. NOTE: The visit will be canceled if payment is not received seven days prior to the date of the appointment.
  • Complete the Background Information form and the service agreement – if you’re under 18, get your parent or guardian to sign as well – and fax it to 919.882.1770 or scan and email it to

Have an interview coming up in a couple of days and need a RUSH review?  Please call 919-890-5513 or email and put "RUSH Profile Proud" in the title.  There is an addition $195 fee for a RUSH review.

Meetings are available via telephone with WebEx screen-share or at the locations below.  If you would like a face-to-face meeting and do not see any upcoming meetings available, please use our contact form to let us know what location / day you would like us to add to our schedule.

Sign up for our e-newsletter to get information about personal social media and alerts when in-person days are added to the calendar.


  • Research Triangle Park - Main Office: 4819 Emperor Blvd, Suite 400, Durham, NC 27703 - MAP
  • Chapel Hill: 1340 Environ Way, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 - MAP
  • Raleigh: 4208 Six Forks Road, Suite 1000, Raleigh, NC 27609 - MAP

Let us help you be Profile Proud.

Schedule your appointment today.