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Social Media Training

Social Media Training

From helping you manage social media for your business to providing social media training to your staff, we are here to help you meet your goals. Schedule a meeting today to get started.

Have your team grow your social media from Day 1: We provide intensive hands-on training for up to three people at one company on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for $1995. This package includes four training sessions and mentoring for three weeks.

At the meetings we will set up your accounts and logins, including the Hootsuite management tool.  You will be given homework between the meetings to develop your awareness of how social media and content marketing are being used in your industry and you will develop your social media goals / success metrics and a plan for reaching those metrics.  You will learn best practices for effective posts and we will walk you through putting together your content marketing plan, writing your weekly posting schedule and writing your first posts.

We also provide training on Pinterest and Google+.

Have us launch your social media and then hand it over to your team: For $1,995 / month we will start and manage your social media for four months while providing tutoring to your team. Your trained team will have four months of examples and a developed follower set as they go forward.

Get the most out of your blogging: Train your team on SEO and social media optimization of blog posts and web site content.

Avoid employee social media gaffes and get the best out of your staff : Most of your staff are on social media themselves. They have probably never received any social media training.  You might think they would lock their accounts before gossiping about the workplace, but we find health care worker HIPAA violations and unprofessional conduct on the open internet on a daily basis.

We have a package for $950 where we will assist you in developing your social media policy and provide a lunch and learn training to your staff.  They will learn how to be effective on social media for their own personal and professional goals, and specific techniques to meet your expectations for your business reputation management.

We will also offer your staff a discount on Profile Proud personal social media coaching. Your staff's participation in this coaching program further reduces your risk.

Contact us today to order the right training package for your company.